It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

June 15, 2005

Heritage Foundation lies

Another fine example of "researchers" from the Heritage Foundation, a conservative "think" tank, manipulating data for their Republican overlords. This time it's about the effectiveness of abstinence education.

Independent experts called the new findings provocative, but
criticized the Heritage team's analysis as flawed and lacking the
statistical evidence to back its conclusions. The new findings have
not been submitted to a journal for publication, an author said. The
independent experts who reviewed the study said the findings were
unlikely to be published in their present form.


The team needs to do "a lot of work" on its paper, said David Landry,
a senior research associate at the Alan Guttmacher Institute in New York.
He said in an interview that it was "a glaring error" to use the result
of a statistical test at a 0.10 level of significance when journals
generally use a lower and more rigorous level of 0.05.


Mr. Landry also criticized the Heritage team's reliance on
self-reports of sexually transmitted diseases among those who took the
pledge, saying that group would be less likely to report them. "The
underreporting problem is so severe that it makes that data highly
questionable," Mr. Landry said.

Why do they hate children and young adults so much, that they lie and deceive and manipulate? These studies should be used to help people. To prevent STDs and unwanted pregnancies and make young people happier, healthier and more successful. But instead, the Heritage Foundation is doing just the opposite in order to advance a political agenda. What a bunch of meanies.