It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

June 01, 2005

My favorite rabid wingnut

Y'all remember Randall Terry, right? The rabid anti-abortionist who condones the practice of executing abortion doctors, has been to jail over 40 times and traded in his wife of 17 years for a younger model? Well snooping around on Randall Terry's "Spread the Word" bookstore via a link from Jesus' General, I found a few disturbing things.

First, he's plugging the DVD, Hermie: A Common Caterpillar. Now, Hermie has a friend named Wormie. I don't know about you guys, but the first question that comes to my mind, is exactly what kind of relationship do these two phallic-shaped organisms have? And the fact that they "wriggle their way into the hearts of young and old alike," just seems kind of creepy.

Then we have the DVD, The Adventures of Stickman. In this illuminated work, "Pencil stub Doodle is teased for his diminutive stature by bigger pencil Sketch, paintbrushes, and even the palette." But in the end, the message is "God loves little ones, too." Maybe if Stickman's mother would have steered clear of Phthalate when he was in utero, he wouldn't have had that problem in the first place.

But I can't tell you how excited I am, to know he has his own talk radio show, right here in sunny Florida.