It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

October 10, 2005

Jim Davis - FL Governor '06

All y'all Florida democrats can go ahead and get those "Jim Davis '06" bumper stickers and signs for the front yard. And if you're planning on contributing to the cause, you can just write one check.

Both Scott Maddox and Robert Wexler have bowed out of the race and have endorsed Jim Davis.

Congressman Robert Wexler says: "It’s clear to me that Jim Davis is the best candidate to defeat the Republicans. It seems evident to me that in many ways the mantle has been passed. It was passed from Lawton Chiles to Bob Graham, and now it’s being passed to Jim Davis."

Gosh, that just gives me goosebumps.

It sure is gonna be nice to see the UHaul parked in front of the governor's mansion while Jeb! moves out in 2006. I wonder if he'll lose his security deposit because of the mess his greedy developer friends made of the place.