It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

November 19, 2004

WWSBD (What Would SpongeBob Do?)

I've heard that a lot of people look to Mr. Bush for spiritual guidance. I don't think Mr. Bush is very nice, so I picked SpongeBob for my spiritual guidance. He has a movie coming out this weekend and in the movie he says "You can't fool me, I listen to National Public Radio."

I think we can all learn a lot from SpongeBob. He's smart and stays up on current events. If we don't listen and learn about the government, and try to speak up about things, then the bad people can get away with being corrupt and bad and hurting people with their bad and unfair policies.

So next time you are in your car surfing through the radio stations, ask yourself "What Would SpongeBob Do?"