It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

February 02, 2005

Live Blogging the State of the Union Address

My mommy let me stay up late to watch the State of the Union address, and here is what I thought:

9:07 Bush looks really tiny underneath Cheney and that jowly man on the right

9:09 Cheney looks like he knows a really funny joke and is about to start giggling

9:10 The jowly man on the right looks really grumpy and like he needs a nap

9:12 Bush is still pretending he's going to cut that deficit in half by 2009. How funny!

9:18 Bush says NU-KU-LER

9:22 Bush tells bold-faced lies about social security. Loud guffaws and coughs that sound like naughty words can be heard

9:34 Who is that hussy behind Laura Bush wearing the fishnet stockings?

9:41 Bush says NU-KU-LER again

9:46 What did Cheney just put in his mouth? Breath mint? Microdot? Does he have the munchies?

9:50 Is the color on my TV bad, or do some of those people have blue fingers instead of purple fingers.

9:57 Cheney takes off his glasses and picks at eye boogers

10:01 I have to go potty

10:03 Oopsie, I guess I missed the ending part.