It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

March 03, 2005

Harry Reid Triple Dog Dares Bill Frist to Use the 'Nuclear Option"

Democrats don't seem to be cowering in mortal fear of the nuclear option when it comes to confirming judicial nominees, like Republicans were hoping.

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid practically dared Frist to move ahead on his threat.

The funny thing, much to Frist's consternation, is the Dems don't seem afraid at all. In fact, just the opposite.

"They can threaten the nuclear option," he(Reid) said. "If they feel that's great for the institution and the country, let them do it." Noting that the only complaint he has heard from fellow Democrats is that not enough of Bush's judicial nominees were blocked in the past four years, Reid said he is prepared "to go behind the pool hall and see who wins this one."

Now that's a fight I'd like to see! I'd have to say that my money's on Reid. He's skinny, but he fights smart and he's a whole lot stronger than he looks.

And Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), is using the threat as a way to raise money.

In a reversal of fundraising tactics, the appeal features Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), who frequently is singled out by Republicans in their ads designed to raise money from GOP donors.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) sent out a mass e-mail from Kennedy to its supporters yesterday in which the veteran Democrat warns that "right wing judges" appointed by President Bush would pose a threat to "fundamental constitutional rights."

It's a breath of fresh air to see the Democrats standing up and fighting against those mean, nasty Republicans.