It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

March 07, 2005

A Law Against Faking It???

The Chinese are looking into a law banning lip synching.

Ma Bomin, an official with Shanghai's municipal radio, film and television administration, likens the practice of performers pretending to sing to selling fake goods. She wants to pass a law making it a crime for a performer to do so without first notifying audience members.

Since Bush, Santorum and other Congressional Republicans, get off on legislating on such personal matters as abortion, birth control, and consensual sexual activities, I betcha they'll jump on board with the Chinese, as they did with human rights violations, and outlaw fake orgasms.

Unless, of course you first notify your partner. "Honey, I'm a little too drunk to feel anything tonight, so I'm going to fake it, OK?" Which, it seems to me, is the logical next step in their seizing control over womens' bodies.

Newsday via Rox Populi