It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

March 03, 2005

Utah Teachers in a Bind

Those crazy Utah people are at it again.

State law bans teachers or texts from advocating homosexuality, but Nebo District's policy is more restrictive.

"Our policy is that it will not be taught unless it is teaching the negative consequences thereof," said Nedra Call, Nebo's director of curriculum.

But the teachers in Nebo are having a really tough time finding Psychology text books that don't mention homosexuality.

Priscilla Leek, a Springville High School psychology teacher who sits on a district committee that reviews teaching materials, says the world has changed in the seven years since the district last chose a psychology textbook.

"Most publishers have now included small amounts - a paragraph or couple of pages - in texts about homosexuality," Leek said. "I don't teach homosexuality. But if it appears in a textbook, there's nothing I can do to keep students from reading it."

Despite their difficulty in finding new basic-level psychology schoolbooks, Nebo school board members told Leek and others this week to keep on looking.

As MouseWords points out:

Too bad Utah's not as powerful as Texas, where we can get textbook publishers to publish books stuffed full of lies for our schoolkids.

Now where do I find a U.S. history book that doesn't mention Richard Nixon???


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