It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

March 04, 2005

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Mr. Bush nominated Stephen L. Johnson. (johnson??.... hee-hee) to be the new head of the E.P.A.

And he has some pretty sinister tasks awaiting this unsuspecting fellow.

"His immediate task is to work with congress to pass my Clear Skies initiative," Mr. Bush said in an announcement at the White House, adding that he wanted the Senate to expedite Mr. Johnson's confirmation.

And then Mr. Bush lies Again about his "Clear Skies" initiative.

"Clear skies is "a common-sense pro-environment, pro-jobs piece of legislation," the president said. "Congress needs to get it to my desk this year."

How can a program that increases carbon dioxide, greenhouse gasses, and thus global-warming ever be considered pro-environment?

What is this crazy man we call the President thinking? And the bill has been stalled in congress since 2002. Gee, I wonder why? Lot's o' luck, Mr. Johnson.