It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

April 14, 2005

Scalia and the Backdoor Draft

Far be it from me to spread unconfirmed rumors, but then if they were confirmed, then they wouldn't be rumors, now would they?

Based on this little exchange, I think we can all assume that Antonin Scalia and the missus engage in a little backdoor draft, if ya know what I mean.

WHEN U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (above) spoke Tuesday night at NYU's Vanderbilt Hall, "The room was packed with some 300 students and there were many protesters outside because of Scalia's vitriolic dissent last year in the case that overturned the Texas law against gay sex," our source reports. "One gay student asked whether government had any business enacting and enforcing laws against consensual sodomy. Following Scalia's answer, the student asked a follow-up: 'Do you sodomize your wife?' The audience was shocked, especially since Mrs. Scalia [Maureen] was in attendance. The justice replied that the question was unworthy of an answer."


  • At April 15, 2005, Blogger cookie christine said…

    But in front of an audience when your wife is present? That's a lot of pressure. How would you respond so such a query, Jerry?

    Hay, that rhymes


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