It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

April 06, 2005

Tom DeLay, the Moldy Grape

They say one bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch, but I've seen a moldy grape spoil a whole bunch pretty darned effectively. I'm tellin' ya. Put 'em in the crisper, forget about them for two weeks and Bam! A whole bag of moldy grapes, festering with the stuff.

Almost every day something new and exciting comes out about Tom DeLay. Today, it was that his campaign and his political action committee gave $500K to his wife and daughter. And some lobbyists appear to have funded a trip to Moscow for him and his cronies.

Folks in his own party are starting to distance themsleves from him. It's not looking too good for Tom "moldy grape" DeLay.

If the Republican Party doesn't pluck him out soon, it could begin effecting the outcome of the 2006 elections. People everywhere will associate corruption with grapes and it could really mess up some of those grapes re-election campaigns.

But if the Republicans just sit there and let the grape fester, and the mold spread, putridizing the rest of the formerly-yummy grapes, no one's going to want to vote for any of them.

So, as Progressives, I think we oughta keep Mr. DeLay in the same bag as the other grapes as long as possible. Let him spread his moldiness all over the bag to all the other grapes.

Then, when 2006 comes around, we'll get a whole new crop in the House and Senate.


  • At April 06, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You may be right. But I think it would be much more fun to mash him into grape juice.

    And, anyway, I doubt the "liberal" media would clue the voters in on the corruption in the Gee Oh Pee.

    After all, the entire Republican leadership in the House in the 1990's was involved in adulterous relationships while smearing Clinton for some clumbsy adolescent groping with his intern, and, yet, somehow, the Republicans are the party of character and traditional family values.



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