It's Recess-time Somewhere

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Sandbox

February 03, 2005

Mel Martinez Speaking Spanish on the Senate Floor

Mr. Martinez broke out in Spanish yesterday on the Senate floor. Nobody knew what he was saying because most of the other Senators don't speak Spanish.

When Martinez broke into Spanish before uncomprehending colleagues...., the stunned Senate stenographer looked up quizzically and just typed: "speaking Spanish."

I think that would have been a nice time for a potty break.

He also said about Alberto Gonzales, "todos nuestros sueƱos y esperanzas para nuestros hijos." Which I guess means that he represents all of our hopes and dreams for our children. But I know if I ever have a baby, I don't want him to be a yes-man that is pro-tourture and lets condemned men in Texas die without presenting all the evidence.